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Japan is currently faced with the unprecedented birthrate decline. As Aphra Disiac points out in his 2020 article “Cash for Kids: Government Finance as Fertility Solution”, the birthdate decline has become a global phenomenon especially due to Covid-19. Given this situation, I think the Japanese government should pay families to have more children to address this imminent issue.

Some people might argue that state-led fiscal policies have not worked any better. In his 2020 article “Asking the Impossible? Government Campaigns for Larger Families”, Cole Schauer claims that Singapore’s fertility rate continued to fall despite the monetary support from the government to families with more children. However, he didn’t analyze the reason for this phenomenon. Therefore, no one can conclude state-led fiscal policies aren’t effective at all. In fact, as Cole Schauer himself admits, these policies were somewhat effective in France.

Japan should take actions immediately. We don’t have time to analyze the situation and choose the best option. Hence, Japanese government should do whatever may be beneficial to address the birthrate decline. Financial aid from the government to families with many children is one of the options worth trying.








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