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R1:I don’t intend to find fault with you, but I think the way you spoke to Mr. Tanaka was a bit rude.
D1: In such a situation, we should put it straightforward, or parents won’t understand the seriousness of the problem.
R2:No matter how serious it may be, I think that making parents responsible for all the problems is going too far.
D2:Generally speaking, it is caress of parents to let their children bring such things to school as toys.

I think that Japanese government should encourage citizens to adopt a minimalist lifestyle. On average, Japanese people are wealthy and can help poor people by becoming minimalists and offering poor people what they need. In fact, as Winnie D. Morstuf pointed out in his article, “there are many refugees who are forced to flee their homes.” These refugees definitely need help from developed countries. However, just providing commodities isn’t enough. Ms. Anne Derwahn argues in her article that the material help “undermines the ability of these developing countries to develop industries on their own.” We can address this problem by offering not only commodities but education to developing countries. One ideal scenario is that Japanese government and citizens should provide education for developing countries and necessities for them respectively. To realize this, Japanese government should encourage citizens to adopt a minimalist lifestyle.






今年は、(A) と (B) の内容がやや重なる。


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