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(12) 3 (13) 4 (14) 3 (15) 4 (16) 3 (17) 2 (18) 4 (19) 2

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A1: That teacher favors smart students. He makes me really angry.
B1: You should ignore him. That may be difficult, though.
C1: Anyway, you can’t change anything just by complaining about him.
A2: That’s right. I should cool down and focus on studying. I’ll try.

In the 2013 article “Immigration: Fulfilling Our Global Obligations”, Lemmy Inne claims, “Or we can admit that the modern world is highly interconnected. That means anticipating and welcoming some kinds of immigrants.” I agree to this idea but I think we should focus mainly on refugees. Refugees are people who escape from their own country due to wars or political oppression. Their situation is so serious that Japan should accept them from a humanitarian viewpoint. Refugee problems are highly urgent issues. Some people may argue that the acceptance of refugees leads to the social instability in recipient countries and therefore should be restricted. It is true that social instability caused by refugees exists in some countries, but I think that this problem has been caused by the insufficient aid program for refugees in recipient countries. If accepted refugees can’t speak the language used in recipient countries or have difficulty finding jobs, they may feel nervous and sometimes commit crimes. To address this kind of problem, recipient countries should offer enough language and vocational program for refugees. If refugees can lead a good life in recipient countries, they will surely feel relieved and thank recipient countries. Japan has accepted fewer refugees than other developed countries so far. If Japan is a really compassionate country, Japan should definitely encourage more refugees to settle in Japan.



Ⅲも標準的な長文読解問題。(24)がやや問題がある。3段落で、”environmental destruction” という表現が出てきているものの、それと “free trade” の因果関係はこの段落では明確になっていない。よって正解と思われる2も厳密には間違いだが、他の選択肢との比較から2を選ばざるをえない。




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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

カテゴリー: 大阪のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム パーマリンク