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A: Hiroshi has never come back to Japan since he went to the US. What is he doing now?
B: His dream is to become a movie actor and he said that annoying relationships in Japan were the obstacles to his dream.
C: What he desperately wants must be not to choose an easy way but to become famous.

I think the Japanese government should legalize same-sex marriage. Marriage changes as time goes by. In the 2015 article “Following Ireland, for better or for Worse”, Roy G. Biv claims that there were many societies where polygamy was common. However, monogamy is becoming more common now. That is, marriage has changed dramatically. Likewise, marriage in the future shouldn’t always be the same as the traditional marriage. Now, there are some people who hope for same-sex marriage. I think everyone has the right to choose their spouse on their own. No one can force other people to give up same-sex marriage. Accordingly, the Japanese government should legalize same-sex marriage not only to give people the right to same-sex marriage but also to protect same-sex couples from discrimination. Some people might argue, however, that same-sex couples can’t give birth to babies and that the Japanese population will decrease accordingly. This argument is much to the point. So, when the Japanese government legalizes same-sex marriage, it has to think of a new idea to increase the Japanese population at the same time. I think it’s a good idea to accept more refugees to compensate for the population decrease. In conclusion, the same-sex marriage should be legalized in Japan. And, accepting more refugees will be the measures to make up for the population decrease which will be caused by same-sex marriage.(227語)

7 は、”author’s unspoken belief” を選ぶ問題。”unspoken” なので、本文中に書かれている内容を選んではいけない。




Ⅴは標準的な自由英作文。ただし、平年の慶応経済と比較して標準的なだけで、日本の大学入試で最も難しいレベル。長文の内容を引用することがあることから、Ⅴの問題を頭に入れた上で、Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲを読んだ方が得策。長文の内容を引用した上で、自分の見解と異なる意見にも言及する必要があり、付け焼刃ではまったく歯が立たない。


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