

1 (a), (d) 2 (d) 3 (b) 4 (a) 5 (f) 6 (c) 7 (d)
8 19世紀半ば以降のアメリカ、イギリスなどの先進国。(24字)

The freedom of individuals is intimately connected to a society’s fairness because a society’s fairness is based on the assumption that everyone has freedom of speech. If citizens don’t have it, their society is not fair at all. For example, if people in Tibet criticize Chinese government, they will be arrested immediately. This situation is not fair at all. People should have the right to talk about what they think freely as long as they don’t criticize others unlawfully or baselessly. Hence, the freedom of individuals is deeply connected to and vital for a society’s fairness.





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カテゴリー: 大阪のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム タグ: , , , , パーマリンク