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a 3 b 2 c 1 d 4

I agree that the Japanese government should take action to control the spread of disinformation. Some people, however, might argue that this is against freedom of speech and intolerable. Freedom of speech is of course crucial but shouldn’t always be respected. It should be accepted as long as the provided information doesn’t cause any damage to other people. Here, I’ll give you a problematic example. Last month, a huge earthquake happened in Ishikawa Prefecture and someone posted a comment on SNS saying that he needed a donation because his house had been destroyed by the earthquake. This post was totally a lie. He definitely had a malicious intention. In order to prevent this kind of disinformation, the Japanese government’s intervention is necessary. In addition to this intervention, we should be educated citizens as Frank D. Bayt mentioned in his article in 2023. We strive to be able to judge by ourselves which information is reliable. In conclusion, disinformation can be prevented by the Japanese government’s intervention and educated citizens.








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カテゴリー: 大阪のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム タグ: , , , , , パーマリンク