

In my opinion, both animals in captivity and wild animals behave based on their own interests. Tigers in captivity, for example, gain the control over the world around them by cooperating with zookeepers. The control is definitely what the tigers want. In case of dolphins in the wild, they get many small fish by seemingly cooperating fishermen’s net-casting. Although fishermen can get more food by “cooperation” of dolphins, I think that dolphins behave like this only because they want to get their own food but because they want to cooperate with human beings.(93語)

In my opinion, the text as a whole doesn’t coherently answer the question. The author answers the question “How would an animal want to cooperate with a human?” rather than “Why would an animal want to cooperate with a human?” In case of animals in captivity, the author gives examples of cheetahs, tigers and elephants etc. explaining how animals cooperate with human beings. I feel, however, the author doesn’t give any concrete reasons for the behavior. Also with animals in the wild, the author gives the example of cooperation between dolphins and human beings but doesn’t give any solid reasons.(100語)


The swimmer’s body illusion discussed in this text means that we tend to think that swimmers get well-built streamlined bodies through hard training. In fact, they have perfect bodies first and hence they become swimmers. The author argues that the success is brought by inborn talents and quality. The swimmer’s body illusion exists in many other fields such as cosmetics and education. If we are influence by this kind of illusion and want to change ourselves, we may spend our time and money in vain. We should be careful not to be deceived by this illusion. (96語)

The author argues that the success is brought by people’s inborn talents and qualities. This may be true in some cases, but not in all the cases. Some people achieve success by persistent effort. For example, Mr. Kohji Uehara, a professional baseball player, was not a good player when he was a high school student but became one of the best baseball players through hard training. This example shows that we can change ourselves by the effort. If the author’s opinion is true, no one wants to make an effort and improves themselves anymore.(94語)




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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

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カテゴリー: 大阪梅田のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム パーマリンク