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A1:Hi, Abe. Why did the manager call you just now? Have you been promoted?
B1: No. He told me that the sales of our department decreased by 30 %.
A2: Oh, no! Did he say anything about the staff reduction?
B2: No, but it may be possible if our performance doesn’t improve.

It is true that zoos have many serious problems to address immediately but I think that zoos in Japan shouldn’t be abolished. In her 2010 article “Against Zoos”, Anne E. Malls writes, “Without a doubt, keeping wild animals in captivity is morally indefensible.” I think, however, that we should sometimes capture wild animals. First, zoos are beneficial to save the endangered species from extinction. We can raise endangered species in the zoos and increase its number. Second, zoos are important to educate people. We learn the importance of biodiversity and saving endangered species in the zoos. Therefore, we should have zoos but actually there are some inappropriate zoos. If animals are confined in small cages, they are definitely deprived of their animal rights. Zoos should be spacious enough for animals to walk or swim around freely. In conclusion, I suggest that small zoos should be closed but that spacious zoos which have enough space for animals should continue to exist. In spacious zoos, animals will not feel stressed and people also enjoy the animals.






Ⅵは標準的な自由英作文。ただし、平年の慶応経済と比較して標準的なだけで、日本の大学入試で最も難しいレベル。長文の内容を引用することがあることから、Ⅵの問題を頭に入れた上で、Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳを読んだ方が得策。長文の内容を引用した上で、自分の見解と異なる意見にも言及する必要があり、付け焼刃ではまったく歯が立たない。


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