

I think that the author would disagree with the idea “Making decisions based on incomplete information is a necessary evil.” We often have to decide something based on insufficient information and sometimes make mistakes. The author argues that decisions based on incomplete information are not bad and the problem lies in our analysis. Some events arise from random factors, which our mind has difficulty identifying. The author argues that incomplete information itself isn’t bad and that analyzing hidden random factor cautiously is important. (87語)

Before reading this passage, I had emphasis on the definite factors rather than hidden factors. But this passage has told me that success or failure often arises from hidden random factors and that analyzing hidden factors is important. This passage has changed my mind. If I were the president of a large company now, I would consider both random and non-random factors when evaluating my employees’ performance. Non-random factors are easy to find but random factors are difficult to identify. Therefore, I would take time to look for hidden factors instead of assessing my employees promptly. This attitude would lead to the truly fair evaluation. (105語)


In the 1980s, Ms. Izumi Suzuki, who was working at one local hotel in Detroit, started to offer translation to Japanese guests because she was the only staff who spoke Japanese. However, only translation wasn’t enough to make the guests fully satisfied and relaxed. They were the short-time visitors and didn’t know much about American culture. Therefore, Ms. Suzuki offered them Japanese style services including a Japanese style breakfast. In short, the hotel paid attention not only to translation but also to culture when accommodating Japanese guests. (87語)

When we visit foreign countries, we face not only language barriers but also cultural barriers. Japanese employees for short-term overseas assignments may not have to take special training to overcome these barriers. But Japanese employees for long-term overseas assignments should take cultural training as well as language training. The full understanding of the foreign culture will definitely lead to smooth communication and mutual understanding. Cultural understanding is a key to success of the business. Therefore, companies should provide this kind of training to their employees for long-term overseas assignments. (89語)

(1) の英文和訳では、fortuitous が難しい。文脈から、random と同義であることに気付くかがポイント。
(2) は筆者がどう答えると思われるかという問。自分の意見を自由に述べる問題ではないため、文脈の正確な理解な必要で難。
(3) は比較的書きやすい。




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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

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