

Orchestra musicians began to demand fair auditions a few decades ago. Before this movement, the results of the auditions were highly influenced by conductors and these judgements were often unfair. To prevent conductors from judging arbitrarily, an official audition committee was organized. Many precautions were taken in order to prevent judges from identifying the contestants and audition judgements began to be made solely by the sound the contestants performed. The author refers these drastic changes as a revolution. As a result of this revolution, more women began to enter the orchestra world.(92語)

The implications of the given text could also be applied to the art world. For example, when I saw the paintings of Pablo Picasso for the first time, I felt that the paintings were strange. Still, I believed that the paintings were great because they were painted by Picasso not by a mundane artist. When we see artworks, our judgements are often influenced by the name of the artist and the name of the title. I think it is almost impossible to judge the artworks fully objectively. (87語)


In Japan we can see strange English everywhere. The purpose of this English is not to communicate what is written but to show the owners of the objects on which the English is written are cosmopolitans. This kind of English is called “wasei eigo.” It is an accessory rather than a tool of a direct communication. Considering the purpose of it, it is a kind of Japanese but it can express something that standard Japanese can’t express. It has a unique ability that standard languages don’t have. (87語)

If I see native speakers of English wearing T-shirts on which Japanese is written, I feel happy because I think they are interested in Japan. Sometimes such a situation may seem strange. For example, a lady may wear a T-shirt on which the word “samurai” is written. In this case, I will recognize that this lady probably don’t understand Japanese. But this is not a problem at all. The T-shirts with Japanese words serve as a kind of bond between English-speaking people and Japanese people. (85語)





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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

地方無名校から東京大学へ進学。 学生時代に海外経験なしでTOEIC®TEST980点 を取得。TOEIC990点獲得回数は50回超。毎回TOEIC を受験し、最新傾向を随時オリジナル教材・レッスンに反映。 主要大学の解答速報、英検解答速報も作成。英検1級。訳書6冊。
カテゴリー: 大阪梅田のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム パーマリンク