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A1: If you were not to study in Paris, you could stay in the club and win the league championship.
B1: But I have been studying French for as many as three years. If I don’t use it, my effort will be meaningless.
A2: Staying in Paris for a whole year will cost you about three million yen, won’t it?
B2: That’s true. But I can’t get anything without any sacrifices.

I think the Japanese government should encourage many more tourists to visit Japan.
First, foreign people can understand more about Japan through tourism. If they visit Japan, they can learn Japanese cultures and ways of thinking. This is beneficial in today’s global world. Understanding each other is crucial not only in tourism but also in economy and politics.
Second, foreign tourists boost the Japanese economy. These days, more and more foreigners visit Japan. For example, in Nagoya, most of the hotels are full due to foreign visitors. I also often see them doing a lot of shopping. This trend definitely contributes to the Japanese economy.
However, some people argue that tourism isn’t good for the environment. In his article “Avoiding the Tourist Trap”, Binan Dunnit claims “Wherever they go, tourists put strains on the environment.” However, the merits mentioned above outweigh this problem. To avoid the pollution, the Japanese government should spend consumption taxes on the environmental preservation.
In conclusion, the Japanese government should urge more foreign people to visit Japan.




(34) casino のアクセントの位置は盲点かもしれない。しかし、casino 以外の選択肢でアクセントの音節が同じものがないことと、casino と responsibility のアクセントの音節が明らかに違うことに気付けば、答にたどり着く。

B1 は、相手の発言の後、いきなり But で始めるのは厳密にはよくない。しかし、日本語が友達同士のカジュアルな会話であるので、カジュアルな場面であると想定してよしとした。

Ⅴはやや難の自由英作文。長文の内容を引用することがあることから、Ⅴの問題を頭に入れた上で、Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲを読んだ方が得策。長文の内容を引用した上で、自分の見解と異なる意見にも言及する必要があり、付け焼刃ではまったく歯が立たない。


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