


(ⅰ) (ニ) (ⅱ) (イ) (ⅲ)(ロ) (ⅳ) (ロ) (ⅴ)(イ)
設問(2) joy and amusement
設問(3) color-emotion associations
設問(6) (ロ)(ホ)
設問(7) (ハ

In today’s information era, it is beneficial to focus on speed and efficiency. However, focusing only on them may be dangerous. For example, some great scientific achievements can be attributed to a long-term research and effort. Currently, Japanese government mainly subsidizes short-term research. This means Japan has given up great scientific achievements. In conclusion, there are things which should be done efficiently and shouldn’t. We should distinguish these two things and think about the way to address them wisely. (79語)

Recognizing our common things enables us to become generous enough to embrace our differences. Instead of focusing only on “how people around the world differ”, we should look at the fact we are all siblings who once shared a long history, having a faith that “we have a potential to understand each other.”
There are mainly two ways to enjoy foreign literature. One is to “enjoy things similar to your thoughts”, and the other is to “enjoy things different from your thoughts.” Some things are interesting because you know them while others are interesting because you don’t know them. I recommend you enjoy both.
Needless to say, as your knowledge increases, you will see the world differently. In other words, you will obtain a wider and higher-resolution monitor.
These five senses may seem to be based on each person’s subjective physical reactions, but in fact they are also cultural and historical. What kind of senses you have, whether they are softness or hardness of something, sounds in a town or the taste of food, depends on the society, culture and the era you have grown up.

Ⅰ は標準的な英文和訳問題。

Ⅱ は標準的な長文読解問題。

Ⅲ は標準的な自由英作文。

Ⅳ はやや難の和文英訳。


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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

地方無名校から東京大学へ進学。 学生時代に海外経験なしでTOEIC®TEST980点 を取得。TOEIC990点獲得回数は50回超。毎回TOEIC を受験し、最新傾向を随時オリジナル教材・レッスンに反映。 主要大学の解答速報、英検解答速報も作成。英検1級。訳書6冊。
カテゴリー: 大阪梅田のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム パーマリンク