
(1) 3 (2) 1 (3) 1 (4) 3 (5) 2 (6) 4 (7) 1 (8) 2 (9) 4 (10) 3
(11) 2 (12) 4 (13) 4 (14) 3 (15) 4 (16) 2 (17) 4 (18) 1 (19) 1 (20) 1
(21) 3 (22) 2 (23) 3 (24) 1 (25) 4

(26) 3 (27) 4 (28) 2 (29) 2 (30) 1 (31) 4

(32) 3 (33) 2 (34) 1 (35) 4 (36) 1 (37) 2 (38) 2 (39) 1 (40) 4 (41) 1

It is true that improving relations with other Asian nations is important. However, I believe that there are more imminent problems that the Japanese government is faced with.

First of all, the current top priority is definitely to combat Covid-19. Many people have passed away because of this unprecedented virus. Therefore, it is crucial that the Japanese government should implement policies effective to protect people from the coronavirus.

Second, the birth rate decline is another issue that the Japanese government should deal with. Now, the Japanese society is becoming the aging society, where fewer young people have to support more elderly people. This trend leads to the labor shortage. Hence, the Japanese government should think of the ways to boost the birth rate.

Third, the Japanese government should think of the measures for natural disasters. These days, typhoons are becoming bigger than before. Also, some scientists predict that huge earthquakes will happen in Japan in the near future. It is the responsibility of the Japanese government to protect people from these disasters.

In conclusion, for the time being, improving relations with other Asian nations is not a priority because there are more important domestic issues. Addressing these domestic issues is essential in order to make people in Japan lead a safer and happier life.

Part 1
No.1 4 No.2 1 No.3 3 No.4 3 No.5 2
No.6 2 No.7 4 No.8 1 No.9 2 No.10 1

Part 2
No.11 4 No.12 1 No.13 3 No.14 4 No.15 2
No.16 1 No.17 4 No.18 2 No.19 1 No.20 4

Part 3
No.21 2 No.22 3 No.23 2 No.24 4 No.25 3

Part 4
No.26 1 No.27 3

(1) はやや難。emacitated は「やつれた」の意。
(4) は難。goad は「駆り立てる」の意。
(9) はやや難。lambast は「こき下ろす」の意。
(10) explicitly 「明確に」は TOEIC®TEST 頻出語のため、TOEIC®TEST を受けたことがある人は解きやすかったかも。
(12) はやや難。ember は「残り火」の意。
(13) はやや難。uncouth は「見苦しい」の意。
(17) はやや難。abject は「悲惨な」の意。
(21) は難。chisel は「彫る」の意。






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