

1 (d) 2 (c) (a) 3 (b)
5 (f) 6 (b) 7 (b) 8 (c)

I believe one of the most serious social tensions is the one caused by religious differences. Whereas most of the immigrants believe in some religions, most of the Japanese people neither believe in nor appreciate any religions. This can cause problems. For example, those believing in Jainism don’t eat meat or fish at all. Some Jains may blame Japanese people who eat fish or meat while some Japanese people may consider Jain people strange. This may lead to discrimination against Jain people. In order to address this problem, we should appreciate other religions. However it may be difficult to teach about religions in schools. Therefore, it is a good idea for a local government to organize events to familiarize participants with the importance of religions. It is difficult to decide exactly what kind of event is the most effective and some events may fail. Some people may criticize that these events are waste of taxes. However, it is only through education to overcome the religious difference. If all the people appreciate the importance of religions, religious conflicts will disappear locally and ultimately globally.





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