
paragraph 1
paragraph 2
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問2 Broca’s area and Wernicke’s area
学生が犯罪に関する発表を行った際、平均2.5の統計が用いられ、物語を使った学生は1割だった。発表の15分後に内容の記憶度を確認すると、物語を思い出した学生は63 %だったが、統計を思い出した学生は5 %だった。(99字)
問4 (3)
問5 ① emotion ② logic
問6 [A] (ア)[B] (イ)
問7 (2)
問8 (4), (1)

You should have creativity in order to be successful in today’s society. First of all, in today’s world, we are faced with many unprecedented problems. Just knowledge and experience can’t solve these problems at all. For example, we have to address global warming. But our ancestors didn’t experience this calamity. This means we have to think of something new so as to address this serious problem. Second, there doesn’t exist a proper and fixed method to cultivate creativity. So, if you have creativity, you definitely have an advantage. In conclusion, creativity is a must in today’s society and I want to develop the skill in Hiroshima University. (107 words)

The total number of visitors to Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum increased from 1985 to 1995. However, the number decreased dramatically in 1995. After that, the number has been increasing steadily. The number of foreign visitors increased gradually from 1985 to 2019. This is because more and more foreign people are interested in the victims of atomic bombs. On the other hand, the number of students on school trips there decreased between 1985 and 2019. One possible reason for this is that, these days, foreign countries are popular destinations for school trips. (91 words)

[Ⅰ] は標準的な長文要約問題。

[Ⅱ] は標準的な長文読解問題。

[Ⅲ] は標準的な自由英作文。

[Ⅳ] は標準的な自由英作文。


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大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

地方無名校から東京大学へ進学。 学生時代に海外経験なしでTOEIC®TEST980点 を取得。TOEIC990点獲得回数は50回超。毎回TOEIC を受験し、最新傾向を随時オリジナル教材・レッスンに反映。 主要大学の解答速報、英検解答速報も作成。英検1級。訳書6冊。
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