


(ⅰ) (ロ) (ⅱ) (ニ) (ⅲ)(イ) (ⅳ) (ロ) (ⅴ)(ニ) (ⅵ)(ハ)
pygmy blue whales, fin whales

I was not good at math at all and I lost my motivation to study math. One day, I found a person who had the same problem on the Internet. We became friends immediately. We made a rule to encourage the other to study math and share difficulties we face. Thanks to him, I have continued to have motivation to study math. If you lose motivation, you should turn to other people for help.(74語)

If you learn more, you will understand what you didn’t understand before, which will broaden your views. Encountering what you don’t know or what is new stimulates your curiosity, and you want to study even more.
A climber’s true purpose is only climbing mountains, and books he writes about climbing mountains later are only byproducts of his mountain climbing. Whether he writes such books later or not, he surely climbs the mountains mentioned in the book, and doesn’t think about writing a book when climbing mountains.
Whether your purpose is freedom of expression, public welfare or democracy, you can’t persuade those who insist your purposes aren’t worth protecting to change their minds if you can’t explain what kind of values your purposes have in your own words.

Ⅰ は標準的な英文和訳問題。

Ⅱ は標準的な長文読解問題。

Ⅲ は標準的な自由英作文。

Ⅳ は標準的な和文英訳。


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にほんブログ村 英語ブログ 英語学習情報へ 

大阪英語特訓道場代表:亀田浩史 の紹介

地方無名校から東京大学へ進学。 学生時代に海外経験なしでTOEIC®TEST980点 を取得。TOEIC990点獲得回数は50回超。毎回TOEIC を受験し、最新傾向を随時オリジナル教材・レッスンに反映。 主要大学の解答速報、英検解答速報も作成。英検1級。訳書6冊。
カテゴリー: 大阪梅田のプロ英語家庭教師の大学受験英語コラム パーマリンク