
問いⅠ 1 ④ 2 ① 3 ③ 4 ②
問いⅡ 5 ① 6 ② 7 ② 8 ②
問いⅢ 9 ①
問いⅣ 10 ① 11 ① 12 ① 13 ③ 14 ①
問いⅤ 15 ①
It’s difficult for me to communicate with my friends online with my flip old phone and therefore I communicate with them in person.(23語)

(16) ⑦ (17) ② (18) ① (19) ⑨ (20) ③ (21) ⑥ (22) ④ (23) 0 (24) ⑧ (25) ⑤
(26) ③ (27) ③ (28) ① (29) ② (30) ③

31 ① 32 ③ 33 ④ 34 ① 35 ④ 36 ② 37 ② 38 ② 39 ④ 40 ④

I am proud of having a very reliable and helpful friend. I met him when I was a junior high school student and our friendship has been continuing ever since. We belonged to the same high school baseball team. I often made errors in a game and that often made me stressed. But he always cheered me up and helped me practice baseball. My skills gradually improved thanks to his help. And finally our team won the high school championship. He has improved me both physically and mentally. I totally owe what I am to him.(96語)

[1] は標準的な長文読解問題。

[2] は標準的な会話文の空所補充。

[3] は標準的な文法・語法問題。33, 36 はやや難。解けなくても問題ない。

[4] は標準的な自由英作文。

[2], [3] が易しめなので、短時間で捌きたい。[1], [4] で差が開くと思われるのでこの2問が合否の分かれ目。[4] の自由英作文は自身の経験を書くので書きやすいが、ある程度の分量を要求される。普段からまとまった量の英文を書く練習をし、いい先生を見つけて添削をお願いしよう。


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