
設問1 1 (c) 2 (d) 3 (c) 4 (a)
設問4 (b), (f), (g)

① fatigue ② determination ③ explains ④ weigh ⑤ pardoning
⑥ burden ⑦ ultimately ⑧ steep ⑨ harmed ⑩ situation
⑪ focused ⑫ established ⑬ reconcile ⑭ powerlessness ⑮ challenges
⑯ plenty ⑰ decreased ⑱ negative ⑲ physical ⑳ lighten
For me, the three benefits are to decrease anxiety and stress, to lower the risk of depression, and to enhance physical ability.
First, the researchers divide 160 undergraduate students into three groups. The researchers instructed the first group to write about an incident they were harmed by others but forgave them. The second group members were instructed to write about an incident they were harmed by others and didn’t forgive them. The third group members were told to write about a recent interpersonal interaction which weren’t necessarily related to harming or forgiveness. After that, the researchers told all the subjects to jump. Then, the researchers compared the height of each subjects’ jumps.

I have never learned how to manage my money. But I think I am a money saver naturally.

First of all, I don’t do shopping so often. Basically, I buy only books for study and food. They are always within my monthly allowance. Hence, my savings increase month by month.

Second, I don’t have my smart phone. My parents have never allowed me to have one. But this is OK because I don’t want to have one. I don’t think they are so attractive. I prefer to play outside. This is beneficial when it comes to money. I have many friends who spend much money on their smart phones. Personally, I think that they are wasting their money.

In conclusion, I am totally a saver. But after graduating from high school, I want to learn how to use my money wisely. Both saving and using money will be important for my life. (152 words)

パート1 は標準的な長文読解問題

パート2 は標準的な長文読解問題

パート3 はやや難の自由英作文。高校生には書きにくいテーマ。


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