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A: I heard you will not join the training camp of the tennis club this weekend. Is that true?
B1: Yes. I’ll take two economics exams early next week. I have to focus on the exams and don’t have time to do other things.
B2:But after the exams, I’ll practice tennis as hard as possible. Now I give up the training camp.

I think the Japanese government shouldn’t abolish the inheritance tax.
Some people might argue that rich people have the right to protect their wealth. If rich people preserve all of their wealth, their children will be richer in the future. Similarly, poverty will be inherited. This means that disparity will be more serious in the future. As Thomas Piketty pointed out in his book “Capital in the 21st Century” (2014), growing inequality has become a central issue of our times.
I think disparity starts when people are young. I don’t think that all the children get educated equally in Japan because rich parents can let their children go to expensive private schools. Poor families can’t afford that. The education disparity directly leads to the disparity of the jobs. This means that it is difficult to become rich for the people who are born in a poor family. In order to stop this cycle, we should make a society where children have the same education opportunities. Therefore, until the free education system is introduced, the government should try to address the children’s disparity problem.
In conclusion, the Japanese government should retain the inheritance tax and use the tax for children’s equal education.(201語)




書き言葉では時制の一致で、I heard that you would ~ の方が好ましいが、この問題は会話文であるため、解答例では時制の一致を適用せず、I heard that you will ~ とした。

Ⅴはやや難の自由英作文。今年は内容的に書きにくいかもしれない。長文の内容を引用することがあることから、Ⅴの問題を頭に入れた上で、Ⅰ, Ⅱ, Ⅲを読んだ方が得策。長文の内容を引用した上で、自分の見解と異なる意見にも言及する必要があり、付け焼刃ではまったく歯が立たない。


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